Is platinum more reactive than silver

Some metals are more reactive than others. We put then in order of their reactivity in a series that starts with the most reactive. This is the Reactivity Series. This discussion on Which is more reactive ? Zinc or silver? is done on EduRev Study Group by Class 10 Students. The Questions and Answers of Which is more reactive ? Zinc or silver? are solved by group of students and teacher of Class 10, which is also the largest student community of Class 10. If the answer is not available please wait for a Iron & Aluminium are much more abundantly found as compared to platinum.Moreover in reactivity series aluminium & iron are found to much more reactive than platinum,platinum is least reactive.

Just look at the atomic configurations of both the elements below. Which one looks more perfect? Doesn’t having one electron less than the perfect 18 in the 4th shell make Platinum a bit odd. It would be easy to dislodge electrons from Pt than Au Platinum can be more or less reactive depending upon what you do with it. It's often used as a catalyst (e.g. in catalytic converters in cars), but is usually shown as less reactive than gold in the reactivity series. The only chemicals less reactive are hydrogen, silver, mercury, gold and platinum. Tin is more reactive than lead. Tin is more reactive than lead. Asked in Elements and Compounds Platinum is the least reactive, followed by gold, silver, mercury and copper. This is why gold artifacts that have been buried for thousands of years have little to no tarnish on them – and why that long-lost silver vase of yours will need some polishing before it looks presentable for the mantelpiece. Platinum is a rare metal and does not corrode, discolor or fade with time. Today most platinum is produced in South Africa, with the global annual output of platinum being one 100 times less than that of silver. Although it is more common, silver was at one stage considered more valuable than gold and was even used as currency. This shows magnesium is more reactive than zinc and both metals are more reactive than hydrogen. This third displacement reaction can be used for any metal that appears lower than itself on the table. The further apart the two metals appear, the more vigorous the reaction. Adding a metal like copper to zinc ions will not displace the zinc since copper appears lower than zinc on the table. Copper is more reactive than silver,gold and platinum prove with chemical equation Get the answers you need, now!

Copper is less reactive than zinc so it holds up to exposure to nature better. 6. SnLead, PbHydrogen, H2Copper, CuMercury, HgSilver, AgPlatinum, PtGold, 

Platinum is the least reactive, followed by gold, silver, mercury and copper. This is why gold artifacts that have been buried for thousands of years have little to no tarnish on them – and why that long-lost silver vase of yours will need some polishing before it looks presentable for the mantelpiece. Platinum is a rare metal and does not corrode, discolor or fade with time. Today most platinum is produced in South Africa, with the global annual output of platinum being one 100 times less than that of silver. Although it is more common, silver was at one stage considered more valuable than gold and was even used as currency. This shows magnesium is more reactive than zinc and both metals are more reactive than hydrogen. This third displacement reaction can be used for any metal that appears lower than itself on the table. The further apart the two metals appear, the more vigorous the reaction. Adding a metal like copper to zinc ions will not displace the zinc since copper appears lower than zinc on the table. Copper is more reactive than silver,gold and platinum prove with chemical equation Get the answers you need, now! Zinc or silver? is done on EduRev Study Group by Class 10 Students. The Questions and Answers of Which is more reactive ? Zinc or silver? are solved by group of students and teacher of Class 10, which is also the largest student community of Class 10. Take silver nitrate solution and put a copper rod in it. You would observe that the white colour of the solution slowly turns blue and the brownish copper rod gets deposited with silver. The blue colour is due to formation of copper nitrate. On the other hand if A few are less reactive than silver, and gold is the least reactive on the basis standard reduction potential. The overall trend in d-block metals, is down and to the right in the block is less reactive. The exception is that, for a given row, the group 12 metal is more reactive than the group 11 metal, but due to the formation of a 2+ ion, not a 1+ ion.

The investigator will discover that potassium (K) is much more reactive than silver (Ag). Silver is a transition metal (d block elements) while potassium is an alkali metal.

Gold, silver, and platinum are the most commonly used jewelry metals. In fact, a single ounce of gold can be stretched into a thread more than 50 miles long. Compared to gold, silver or platinum; palladium is a relatively fledgling metal in the Palladium is slightly more reactive than some of the other PGMs (platinum  It is possible to use electrolysis to extract metals less reactive than carbon. Hence, only non-reactive metals like gold, silver, platinum, etc are found in the 

Compare platinum with gold, silver, tungsten, titanium, and palladium, and However, silver's redeeming quality is that it is much more affordable than platinum.

The gold group consists of gold, copper, lead, aluminium, mercury, and silver. This is why only the less reactive metals such as gold and platinum are found as and molybdenum to carbon steels (more than 10%) results in stainless steels. A Chart of the Reactivity Series of Metals is Provided Here. Silver, Ag+. Platinum, Pt4+ Calcium and the metals that are more reactive than calcium in the reactivity series can react with cold water to form the corresponding hydroxide while 

Copper is less reactive than zinc so it holds up to exposure to nature better. 6. SnLead, PbHydrogen, H2Copper, CuMercury, HgSilver, AgPlatinum, PtGold, 

The high electrical conductivity of copper, gold, silver, and platinum makes these metals Some metals are more reactive than others when mixed with water. The gold group consists of gold, copper, lead, aluminium, mercury, and silver. This is why only the less reactive metals such as gold and platinum are found as and molybdenum to carbon steels (more than 10%) results in stainless steels. A Chart of the Reactivity Series of Metals is Provided Here. Silver, Ag+. Platinum, Pt4+ Calcium and the metals that are more reactive than calcium in the reactivity series can react with cold water to form the corresponding hydroxide while 

Some metals are more reactive than others. We put then in order of their reactivity in a series that starts with the most reactive.